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JULY PROJECT UPDATE We bought 38 pairs of heat holder socks from the money received during the July ingathering of funds. These socks will be given to the Ephrata Homeless Shelter. Thank you to everyone who donated to the project.
Students, teachers, and all those embarking on learning this year are invited to bring their backpacks to Worship on Sunday, September 8th as we pray God’s blessing on them for this new school year.
Sunday, October 13th 11:00 AM In The Memorial Garden In celebration of St. Francis of Assisi (died 1226) who dedicated his life to service of God through care of animals and creation, we will gather to bless our pets and to thank God for the creatures that gladden our lives and for the earth that […]
OCTOBER 2024 INGATHERING Ingathering Sunday is October 6th. The needs this year remain the same; comforters (the Cozy Comforters Sewing Group will fulfill this need), personal care kits, and school kits. Sample kits will be on display at the back of the Sanctuary September 16th, 22nd, and 29th. We will collect kit supplies or money […]