In response to continued elevated cases of COVID-19 in our community and in accordance with a recommendation from Bishop Dunlop, our church council has decided that we will continue to worship online only through Sunday, February 7th. In his Epiphany letter on January 6th, Bishop Dunlop shared that “our health care systems expect the post-holiday spike in cases to occur by the third week in January.” It is the synod’ intent to reassess the current public health situation in our synod after that anticipated length of time, and give updated guidance. Our church council will, at the February 3rd meeting, use that information to guide further discernment about gathering in-person.
We will continue to worship together online on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Our services will continue to be live streamed from the sanctuary, and the video remains available on our site to watch later as well. These are available on YouTube
Click Here for the Virtual Worship Service
We will continue to offer the opportunity to regularly receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. During this time period we will continue to host a drive-thru communion station in the parking lot of Faith United from 10:00am-11:00am each Sunday. As a reminder, this option is for anyone who wishes to receive a blessing along with the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Please note: if you are not yet comfortable with participating in this way, we understand. Jesus’ love and blessing still are yours.