Youth and Family Ministries

Youth and Family Ministries

Kid's Church

Every Sunday morning during worship, youth begin the service with their families.

They are welcomed forward during the service for a children’s sermon delivered by Pastor Marissa, and following that they are invited to join “Kid’s Church”—a time of learning and faith formation led by one of our certified adult leaders in the congregation.

The youth come back to join the service after the regular sermon has ended, so that they can participate in Holy Communion and the rest of worship.

Holy Communion Education for Fifth Graders

In the fall of their 5th grade year, youth gather for two sessions of a class on Holy Communion before having their presence at the Sacrament celebrated in worship in October.

People of all ages are welcome at the Sacrament of Holy Communion at Faith United—this class serves as age-appropriate education, not as a requirement for participation.

Confirmation Classes for 7th and 8th Graders

7th and 8th graders meet every second and fourth Sunday of the month from 10:30am-11:30am to learn about the Bible, the Lutheran faith, and what it means to live as baptized children of God in today’s world.

Youth confirm their baptism in the fall of their 9th grade year.

High School Youth Group

Youth and young adults at Faith United are encouraged to be active in the growth and development of their faith. High school students gather multiple times a month for service opportunities, Bible study, fellowship, and fun!

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